So new things are around at the moment, Spring is slowly making an appearance, and I have a NEW website!!! And this blog is a brand-new thing as well!!!
To be honest the website was built by my son (handsome, caring, funny and talented man that he is!) with some input from me, but bear with us as it is new and we are still making adjustments…
Now way back in March 2022 I did buy a domain with the intention of making a website…this never happened obviously as I wanted to get on with being a Reflexologist not an administrator (as with most small businesses owners it is the thing we do/make that is the passion not the behind the scenes admin that we all enjoy 😊)
Fast forward to now and I happened to mention it to my son in a passing conversation that I felt vulnerable only having my online presence on Facebook and Instagram…and then all of a sudden we were building a website!
Procrastination is a thing, alive and well in some areas of my business and life..and it is because the website and blog were new things that made them seem scary! Which is ridiculous as I am grown woman, a mother, wife and a capable human so why was I so scared about this??!!??
New is scary, exciting and worrying and I decided (multiple times) to hide away from this as I could and that made the world a little less scary for a little bit longer…
If we listen to the negative thoughts in our heads for long enough we end up believing a never ending cycle if you let it!
So my message for this blog (go me!!) is to feel the fear and do it anyway 😊 It really isn’t that scary once you are doing it, and if things don’t go to plan does it really matter?